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Hasana Chaudry

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Hasana Chaudry
Software Engineer - Bank of America, Merill Lynch
BS Computer Science • BS Physics • BA Mathematics
Susquehanna University

I am a Python/Angular programmer with experience developing and testing code for various projects. I have coding experience in the Django framework and various versions of the Angular framework. I have demonstrated history of working in the tech and software industry, particularly in the field of finance. My skillsets include computer programming, software development, web frameworks, research, data analysis, and business management. I graduated from Susquehanna University in 2018 with bachelors degrees in Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics respectively. I am currently a lead, Angular developer at Bank of America, Merill Lynch, that works closely with designers and product owners to develop an internal application that allows our agents/brokers to manage client profiles, investments, assets, and liabilities.


Bank of America, Merill Lynch

Bowlero Corporation

NYC Department of Human Resources Administration

Geisinger Health System










Relevant Coursework


Introduced the design and implementation of algorithms using object-oriented programming languages such as C++ and Java. Covered correctness and efficiency of algorithms for sorting, searching, graph problems and mathematical algorithms.

Numerical Computing

An introduction to the computational techniques for solving mathematical problems. Topics include roots of nonlinear equations, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, and numerical solutions of differential equations.

Discrete Structures

An elementary approach to fundamental algebraic concepts. Emphasized logic, proof techniques, relations, functions, graphs, Boolean algebra and computer logic. Also stressed modular arithmetic, algebraic structures, counting principles, coding theory and finite state machines.

Compiler Theory

Studied the phases of compiler design, such as syntax specification, lexical analysis, parsing, symbol tables, error detection, code optimization and code generation. Term project was to write a complete compiler in C.

Computer Organizations

Fundamentals of computer organization and machine architecture. Presented an overview of computer system organization and examines in detail the digital logic level, the register level and the operating system program interface. Used the assembly language of an available machine for programming assignments.

Operating Systems

Introduction to the principles of operating systems through detailed discussion of a popular operating system such as UNIX, with special attention to the areas of user interface, process management and file systems. Included a study of general operating systems principles, processes, file systems, memory management, interprocess communication, I/O and concurrent processes. Included a programming project in which I wrote a part of an operating system.

Data Communications and Networks

An overview of data communications and networks, channel capacity, Ethernet, Internet protocols, DHCP, DNS, TCP, FTP, SMTP, HTTP, Web servers and file sharing. Emphasized on network and server security. Included authentication, encryption, verification, certificates, digital signatures, attacks and defenses, privacy and anonymity. Covered current developments in networks as well.

Programming Languages

Studied the principles underlying various computer languages. Used comparisons and evaluations of C, FORTRAN, ALGOL, Pascal, LISP, Smalltalk, PERL, PHP and Prolog to introduce the broad principles of language design and implementation.

Data Structures

This course stressed the interplay between algorithms, data structures and their implementations. Topics included stacks, queues, linked lists, sorting, searching, binary trees and graphs.

Computer Graphics

Interactive graphics programming using WebGL graphics library. Introduced hardware and software concepts to implement graphics. Covered drawing points, curves, surfaces, lighting, shading, animation, geometrical transformation, etc.

Database Programming

Taught database programming in SQL. Topics included relational database management systems fundamentals such as extended entity-relationship modeling, normalization and physical database file organization. Additional topics include database administration and data warehousing.

Senior Colloquium

The Mechanics of Google's Page
Ranking Algorithm

This project explores, in detail, the Google Page Ranking algorithm, its workings, and functionality. A page ranking algorithm is a type of algorithm that is used to sort through and prioritize the webpages that show up when a user enters a query in a search engine. Specific topics including the mathematical aspects of the algorithm, computational methods that determine the weight a page receives, and the influence of the power iteration method on the algorithm will be discussed. This talk will also discuss the difference between the page rank being calculated iteratively and algebraically even though the basic operations in both versions are quite similar. The coding schemes that are a part of the page rank algorithm’s functionality are going to be presented as well.

Check out the presentation!

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Rose Island, RI
New York, NY
Watch Hill, RI
Jaffa, Israel
Sea of Galilee, Israel
Bethlehem, Palestine
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